Sunday, March 11, 2012

Red Pen Edit

I'm knitting away at my yoga socks and adding my mods to my project. Then it hit me that I was nit picking apart someone elses design. How completely RUDE was I to take something someone made and take it apart and rebuild it? (ok, not making that many mods but enough) Someone did that for one of my designs and I wasnt thrilled, I was very happy someone made it their own. I hope thats the way all these designers feel about the projects. Knitting is about making something your own, lots of people (and machines) have been there before but thats no reason it's any less personal. For example, checking out patterns, I came across a free hexipuff pattern. I've seen the Beekeepers Quilt published by tiny owl knits and liked it. But it was all made with fingering weight and I'm a cheapskate at heart. So I stuck it in the unattainable part of my knitting and went on my way. I did download some free charts, tiny motifs that look at least similar to what they are supposed to be aren't easy to make. When I spotted the freebie hexigon, I was thrilled because it was using a heavier yarn weight. Meaning semi attainable again. The cat swiped it so that meant a stuffie that was a dual use for pet and human toy. Problem? People were shredding the designer(s) on their ravelry page for posting that pattern. Pages upon pages of spewing. From some of the earlier posts, the designer may have posted things that shouldnt have been there. They were removed and the post cleared but still it went on. I was rather disappointed in my fellow ravelers. It's a shape, whats the problem (after it was edited of course)? It would be like someone getting upset over another person making using feather and fan. Or a basic cable. These are things that are a staple and impossible to copyright. Back to the original topic, the designer(s) saw the pattern, and were inspired to recreate it in their own way. Was it morally wrong as so many claimed? Was it he same as what I'm doing with my socks? I don't doubt that the designer worked hard on my current project pattern, is what I'm doing thumbing my nose at her as I type what went wrong (for me)? I find it buried into one of those grey areas that will probably never be resolved. So I will type my notes, and I will enjoy the pattern because those socks are mine made by me. And everything that someone knits is their own, regardless of pattern copyright (not saying go sell them, im just saying take pride in making something that is uniquely yours).

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